Testi di carattere generale: K. Okakura, Lo zen e la cerimonia del tè (1906), Milano 1997; The Toshiba Gallery. Japanese Art and Design, a cura di J. Earle, Londra 1986; Y. Shimizu et al., Japan. The Shaping of Daimyo Culture, 1185-1868, New York 1989; Arte Giapponese. Motivi decorative nel periodo Edo (1603-1868), Arezzo 1990; L. Smith, V. Harris, T. Clark, Japanese Art. Masterpieces in the British Museum, Londra 1990; M. Murase, Il Giappone, Torino 1992; P. Mason, History of Japanese Art, New Jersey 1993; Il Giappone prima dell’Occidente, Roma 1995; S. Addiss, A. Y. Seo, How to look at Japanese Art, New York 1996; C. Guth, Art of Edo Japan. the Artist and the City 1615-1868, New York 1996; M. Hickman et al., Japan’s Golden Age: Momoyama, New Haven - Londra 1996; J. Earle, Splendors of Meiji. Treasures of Imperial Japan. Masterpieces from the Khalili Collection, Wilmington 1999; F. Maraini, Ore giapponesi, nuova edizione con fotografie dell’autore e un saggio di G. Amitrano, Milano 2000; J. Stanley-Baker, Japanese Art. Revisited Edition, Londra 2000; M. Murase, The Tale of Genji. Legends and Paintings, New York 2001; G. C. Calza, Stile Giappone, Torino 2002; J. E. Kidder Jr., Giappone. Arte, storia, civiltà, nuova edizione a cura di M. Fuga, Milano 2002; N. C. Rousmaniere et al., Kazari. Decoration and Display in Japan, 15th- 19th Centuries, New York 2002; Timeless Beauty. Traditional Japanese Art, Milano 2002; S. Noma, The Arts of Japan. Ancient and Medieval, 2 voll., Tokyo - New York 2003; T. S. Sadao, S. Wada, Discovering the Arts of Japan. A Historical Overview, New York - Londra 2003; M. Dunn, Forma e materia. Le arti tradizionali del Giappone, Milano 2005; S. Addiss, G. Groemer, J. T. Rimer, Traditional Japanese Arts and Culture, Honolulu 2006; R. Menegazzo, Giappone, Milano 2007; F. Fabbri, Lo zen e il manga. L’arte contemporanea giapponese, Milano 2009; Shinto-. The Sacred Art of Ancient Japan, a cura di V. Harris, Londra 2011; Di Linea e di Colore. Il Giappone, le sue arti e l’incontro con l’Occidente, a cura di F. Morena, Livorno 2012; T. Screech, Obtaining Images. Art, production and display in Edo Japan, Londra 2012.
Architettura e giardini: A. R. Sadler, A Short History of Japanese Architecture, Rutlan-Tokyo 1962; T. Fukuyama, Heian Temples: Byodo- in and Chuson-ji, New York - Tokyo 1976; T. Itoh, The Gardens of Japan, Tokyo 1984; M. Inoue, Space in Japanese Architecture, New York - Tokyo 1985; D. A. Slawson, Secret Teachings in the Art of Japanese Gardens, Tokyo 1987; G. Nitschke, Japanese Gardens, Colonia 1999; Katsura. La villa imperiale, a cura di V. Ponciroli, Milano 2004; M. P. Keane, H. Ohashi, Japanese Garden Design, North Clarendon 2007; F. Montagnana, H. Tadahiko, H. Yoshikatsu, Le case del tè. Gli spazi del vuoto e dell’inatteso, Milano 2009.
Scultura: J. E. Kidder Jr., Masterpieces of Japanese Sculpture, Tokyo - Rutland 1964; S. Mizuno, Asuka Buddhist Art: Horyūji, New York - Tokyo 1974; T. Nagahiro, E. Hyun Yum, T. Kuno, Storia della scultura nel mondo. Estremo Oriente, Milano 1979; K. Nishikawa, E. J. Sano, The Great Age of Japanese Buddhist Sculpture A.D. 600-1300, Fort Worth 1982; Nara, trésors bouddhiques du Japon ancien. Le temple du Ku-fukuji, Parigi 1996; M. R. Cunningham et al., Buddhist Treasures from Nara, Cleveland 1998; S. E. Marvin, Heaven Has a Face, So Does Hell. The Art of the Noh Mask, 2 voll., Warren 2010; Capolavori della scultura buddhista giapponese, Roma 2016. Pittura e calligrafia: T. Akiyama, Treasure of Asia. Japanese Painting, Losanna 1961; O - kyo and the Maruyama-Shijo- School of Japanese Painting, St. Louis 1980; M. Murase, Emaki. Narrative Scrolls from Japan, New York 1984; S. Yoshiaki, H. M. Rosenfield, Masters of Japanese Calligraphy, 8th-9th Century, New Haven 1985; M. Murase, Sei secoli di pittura giapponese. Da Sesshu- agli artisti contemporanei, Milano 1994; E. P. Conant, S. D. Owyoung, J. T. Timer, Nihonga, Trascending the Past. Japanese-Style Painting 1868-1968, St. Louis 1995; J. Cahill, The Lyric Journey. Poetic Painting in China and Japan, Cambridge (MA) 1996; K. H. Brown, The Politics of Reclusion. Painting and Power in Momoyama Japan, Honolulu 1997; S. Addiss, The Art of Zen. Paintings and Calligraphy by Japanese Monks 1600-1925, New York 1998; I. Masaaki, Pittura giapponese dal 1800 al 2000, Milano 2001; The Written Image. Japanese Calligraphy and Painting from the Sylvan Barnet and William Burto Collection, New Haven - Londra 2002; F. Fischer, K. Kinoshita, Ike Taiga and Tokuyama Gyokuran. Japanese Masters of the Brush, New Haven - Londra 2007; Y. Lippit, Painting of the Realm. The Kano House of Painters in 17th Century Japan, Washington 2012; Arte in Giappone. 1868-1945, Milano 2013.
Tessuti, lacche, ceramiche, arti del “samurai”: K. Sato-, The Japanese Sword. A comprehensive Guide, Tokyo - New York - Londra 1983; C. Shimizu, Lacche giapponesi, Milano 1988; J. Liddell, The Story of the Kimono, New York 1989; J. C. Y. Watt, B. Brennan Ford, East Asian Lacquer. The Florence and Herbert Collection, Tokyo - Londra 1991; L. A. Cort, Japanese Collections in the Freer Gallery of Art: Seto and Mino Ceramics, Washington 1992; D. C. Gluckman, S. S. Takeda, When Art Became Fashion. Kosode in Edo-Period Japan, Los Angeles 1992; T. Kuroda, M. Takeuchi, Y. Yamane, Worlds Seen and Imagined. Japanese Screens from the Idemitsu Museum of Arts, New York 1995; G. C. Bojani, Raku: una dinastia di ceramisti giapponesi, Torino 1997; G. Irvine, The Japanese Sword. The Soul of the Samurai, New York - Tokyo 2000; A. Jackson, Japanese Textiles in the Victoria and Albert Museum, Londra 2000; Turning Point: Oribe and the Arts of Sixteenth-Century Japan, a cura di M. Murase, New York 2003; Art of Kenzan and His Brother Ko-rin, Tokyo 2007; Art of the samurai. Japanese arms and armor, 1156-1868, a cura di M. Ogawa, New York 2009.
“Ukiyo-e” e giapponismo: R. Lane, Images from the Floating World. The Japanese Prints. Including an Illustrated Dictionary of Ukiyo-e, Oxford - Londra - Melbourne 1978; A. Smith, A. Poster, Hiroshige. One Hundred Famous Views of Edo, New York 1986; J. Hillier, Japanese Colour Prints, Londra 1991; M. Forrer, The Baur Collection, Geneva. Japanese Prints, 2 voll., Ginevra 1994; Hokusai Paintings. Selectde essays, a cura di G. C. Calza, Venezia 1994; S. Asano, T. Clark, The Passionate Art of Kitagawa Utamaro, 2 voll., Londra 1995; M. Forrer, Hiroshige. Prints and Drawings, Londra 1997; G. C. Calza, Hokusai. Il vecchio pazzo per la pittura, Milano 1999; T. Screech, Sex and the Floating World. Erotic Images in Japan, 1700-1820, Honolulu 1999; Ukiyo-e, il mondo fluttuante, a cura di G. C. Calza, Milano 2004; L. Lambourne, Japonisme. Cultural crossing between Japan and the West, Londra 2005; F. Morena, Ukiyo-e. Hokusai Hiroshige Utamaro, Firenze 2007; G. C. Calza, Hiroshige. Il maestro della natura, Roma 2009; Giapponismo. Suggestioni dell’estremo Oriente dai Macchiaioli agli anni Trenta, a cura di V. Farinella, F. Morena, Livorno 2012; Hokusai, Parigi 2014.
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