
Riferimenti e citazioni forniti da Hannah Dahlen, Professoressa di Ostetricia alla Western Sydney University.

  • Childbirth and consequent atopic disease: Emerging evidence on epigenetic effects based on the hygiene and EPIIC hypotheses, “BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth”, Vol. 16(1), p. 4.

  • Dahlen, H. (2015), Why being born is good for you, “The Practising Midwife”, Vol. 18(4), pp. 10-13.

  • Dahlen, H. (2015), Can love and science co-exist in this debate?, “Internation Journal of Birth and Parent Education”, Vol. 2(2), pp. 40-41.

  • Dahlen, H.G., Downe, S., Powell Kennedy, H., Foureur, M. (2014), Is society being reshaped on a microbiological and epigenetic level by the way women give birth?, “Midwifery”, Vol. 30(12), pp. 1149-1151.

Riferimenti e citazioni forniti da Jacquelyn Y. Taylor, Professoressa associata, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Facoltà di Infermieristica Scholar Alumnia, Università di Yale.

  • First trimester vitamin D status and placental epigenomics in preeclampsia among northern plains primiparas, “Life Sciences”, Vol. 129, pp. 10-15; doi:10.1016/j.lfs.2014.07.012 [PMID: 25050465].

  • Should prophylactic antibiotics be routinely given to a mother before a cesarean birth?, “MCN American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing”, Vol. 38(5), pp. 266-267; doi: 10.1097/ NMC.0b013e31829b3d68 [PMID: 23958615].

  • An overview of epigenetics in nursing, “Nursing Clinics of North America”, Vol. 48, pp. 649-659; PMCID: PMC3873714.

  • Childbirth and consequent atopic disease: Emerging evidence on epigenetic effects based on the hygiene and EPIIC hypotheses, “BioMed Research International”, Vol. 16(1), p. 4.

  • The EPIIC hypothesis: Intrapartum effects on the neonatal epigenome and consequent health outcomes, “Medical Hypotheses” Vol. 80(5), pp. 656-662; doi:10.1016/j. mehy.2013.01.017 [PMID: 23414680].

  • Taylor, J.Y., Wright, M., Crusto, C., Sun, Y.V. (2016), The intergenerational impact of genetic and psychological factors on blood pressure study (InterGEN): design and methods for complex DNA Analysis, “Biological Research for Nursing”.

  • Antenatal microbiome: potential contributor to fetal programming and establishment of the microbiome in offspring, “Nursing Research”, Vol. 64(4), pp. 306-319; doi: 10.1097/ NNR.0000000000000101 [PMID: 26035769].

Riferimenti e citazioni forniti dalla professoressa Anita Kzyrskyj, Università di Alberta, Dipartimento di Pediatria.

  • Azad, M.B., Konya, T., Persaud, R.R., Guttman, D.S., Chari, R.S., Field, C.J., Sears, M.R., Mandhane, P.J., Turvey, S.E., Subbarao, P., Becker, A.B., Scott, J.A., Kozyrskyj, A.L. and the CHILD Study investigators (2015), Impact of maternal intrapartum antibiotics, method of birth and breastfeeding on gut microbiota during the first year of life: a prospective cohort study, “BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology”, Sep 28 [Epub ahead of print] DOI: 10.1111/1471-0528.13601.

  • Azad, M.B., Konya, T., Guttman, D.S., Field, C.J., Sears, M.R., HayGlass, K.T., Mandhane, P.J., Turvey, S.E., Subbarao, P., Becker, A.B., Scott, J.A., Kozyrskyj A.L. and the CHILD Study investigators (2015), Infant gut microbiota and food sensitization: associations in the first year of life, “Clinical and Experimental Allergy”, Vol. 45, pp. 632-643.

  • Bridgman, S.L., Konya, T., Azad, M.B., Sears, M.R., Becker, A.B., Turvey, S.E., Mandhane, P.J., Subbarao, P. and the CHILD Study investigators, Scott, J.A., Field, C.J., Kozyrskyj, A.L. (2016), Infant gut immunity: a preliminary study of IgA associations with breastfeeding, “Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease”, Vol. 7(1), pp. 103-107.

  • Koleva, P.T., Bridgman, S.L., Kozyrskyj, A.L. (April 2015), The infant gut microbiome: evidence for obesity risk and dietary intervention, “Nutrients”, Vol. 7(4), pp. 2237-60.

  • Kozyrskyj, A.L., Kalu, R., Koleva, P.T., Bridgman, S.L. (June 2015), Fetal programming of overweight through the microbiome: boys are disproportionately affected, “Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease”, Vol. 29, pp. 1-10.

  • Mastromarino, P., Capobianco, D., Miccheli, A., Praticò, G., Campagna, G., Laforgia, N., Capursi, T., Baldassarre, M.E. (2015), Administration of a multistrain probiotic product (VSL#3) to women in the perinatal period differentially affects breast milk beneficial microbiota in relation to mode of delivery, “Pharmacological Research”, pp. 95-96, pp. 63-70.

Riferimenti e citazioni forniti da Stefan Elbe, Professore di Relazioni Internazionali, Università del Sussex, Direttore del Centre for Global Health Policy.

  • Elbe, Stefan (2010), Security and global health: Toward the medicalization of insecurity (Polity Press, Australia)

Riferimenti e citazioni fornite da Neena Modi, Professore di Medicina Neonatale, Imperial College di Londra.

  • Darmasseelane, K., Hyde, M.J., Santhakumaran, S., Gale, C., Modi, N. (2014), Mode of delivery and offspring body mass index, overweight and obesity in adult life: a systematic review and meta-analysis, “PLoS One”, Vol. 9(2):e87896 PMID: 24586295.

  • Svensson, E., Hyde, M.J., Modi, N., Ehrenstein, V. (March 2013), Caesarean section and body mass index among Danish adult men, “Obesity” (Silver Spring), Vol. 21(3), pp. 429-33 PMID: 23408746.

  • Riferimenti e citazioni fornite da Aleeca Bell, Assistente Universitario, Dipartimento di Scienza della Salute Femminile, Famigliare e Infantile, University of Illinois at Chicago.

  • Bell, A.F., Carter, C.S., Steer C.D., Golding J., Davis J.M., Steffen A.D., et al. (2015), Interaction between oxytocin receptor DNA methylation and genotype is associated with risk of postpartum depression in women without depression in pregnancy, “Frontiers in Genetics”, Vol. 6, p. 243.

  • Bell, A.F., Carter C.S., Davis, J.M., Golding, J., Adejumo, O., Pyra, M. et al. (2015), Childbirth and symptoms of postpartum depression and anxiety: A prospective birth cohort study, “Archives of Women’s Mental Health”, Jul 23.

  • Bell, A.F., Erickson, E.N., and Carter, C.S. (2014), Beyond labor: The role of natural and synthetic oxytocin in the transition to motherhood